Procházet "L" Game soubory

Počet řádků na stránku:       z 1
Rozšíření Vývojář druhu souboru Kategorie souborů Popis druhu souboru Primární software Vývojář primárního softwaru
.L2R NCSoft Soubory her Lineage II Replay File NCSOFT Lineage II Interscape
.LA1 LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC Soubory her LucasArts Game Data File The Curse of Monkey Island LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
.LAN ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) Soubory her ERDAS LAN File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.LANG Mojang Soubory her Minecraft Language File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LBA ShopTalk Systems Soubory her Liberty BASIC Source Code Liberty Basic ShopTalk Systems
.LBI Adobe Systems Incorporated Soubory her Dreamweaver Library Item Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.LBM Electronic Arts Soubory her Deluxe Paint Bitmap Image File Canvas X ACD Systems
.LBW CCP Games Soubory her CCP Log Server Utility Log File EVE Online CCP Games
.LCO PopTop Software Inc. Soubory her Railroad Tycoon 3 Locomotive Properties Railroad Tycoon 3 PopTop Software Inc.
.LDB Microsoft Corporation Soubory her Microsoft Access Lock File Microsoft Access Microsoft Corporation
.LDW LDW Software Soubory her Virtual Villagers Saved Game File LDW Virtual Villagers LDW Software
.LEC LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC Soubory her LucasArts Game Resource Loom LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
.LEV Interscape Soubory her NetHack Level File NetHack Interscape
.LFD LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC Soubory her LucasArts Game Resource Loom LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
.LFL LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC Soubory her LucasArts Games Resource File ScummVM Interscape
.LFR Marti wong Soubory her Little Fighter File Little fighter Marti wong
.LGL Open Source Soubory her LeechGet Download List LeechGet Open Source
.LGP Microsoft Corporation Soubory her Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGT Microsoft Corporation Soubory her Let's Go! Theme File Let's Go! Microsoft Corporation
.LIF The LEGO Group Soubory her LEGO Digital Designer Assets File LEGO Digital Designer The LEGO Group
.LIP CELSYS Soubory her Clip Studio Paint File CELSYS Clip Studio Paint Pro CELSYS
.LIT Microsoft Corporation Soubory her Microsoft Reader eBook File Calibre Open Source
.LL Combit Soubory her List & Label Preview File List&Label Combit
.LMP id Software Soubory her Quake Engine Lump File Doom id Software
.LNC Sports Interactive Soubory her Football Manager Player Data Football Manager 2016 Sports Interactive
.LNGP 11 bit studios Soubory her This War Of Mine Language Localization Pack This War Of Mine 11 bit studios
.LNZ Ubisoft Soubory her Petz Linez Data Petz Ubisoft Blue Byte
.LOC TopoGrafix Soubory her GPS Location File EasyGPS TopoGrafix
.LOCK Mozilla Soubory her Lock File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.LOD Ubisoft Soubory her Homeworld Level Of Detail Data Homeworld Relic Entertainment
.LPR Relic Entertainment Soubory her Homeworld File Homeworld 2 Sierra Entertainment
.LRF Aequus Gaming LTD Soubory her League Of Legends Replay File LOLReplay Aequus Gaming LTD
.LRM Microsoft Corporation Soubory her Encarta Class Server Learning Resource File Microsoft Encarta Microsoft Corporation
.LRT Aequus Gaming LTD Soubory her League Of Legends Replay File LOLReplay Aequus Gaming LTD
.LSD ENTERBRAIN, INC. Soubory her RPG Maker Game Save File RPG Maker VX ENTERBRAIN, INC.
.LSV Light-O-Rama Soubory her Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor Visual Preference File Light-O-Rama Light-O-Rama
.LSW Technics Soubory her Technics Keyboard Current Panel File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.LSX Microsoft Corporation Soubory her Streaming Media Shortcut Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.LTG JEK Software Soubory her LaserTank Graphics File LaserTank JEK Software
.LTR Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Soubory her Letter Document Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LTX GSC Game World Soubory her S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Properties File GSC Game World S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat GSC Game World
.LUG Unknown Developer Soubory her Game Data Dragon UnPACKer Open Source
.LUXB Sillysoft Games Soubory her Lux Map File Lux Sillysoft Games
.LVB LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC Soubory her Outlaws Game File Outlaws LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
.LVL Unknown Developer Soubory her Game Level File Various video games Various Developers
.LVZ Open Source Soubory her Continuum Zone Data Graphics Subspace Continuum Open Source
.LZS Open Source Soubory her LARC Compressed File Archive ZipZag Open Source
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Kompatibilní s Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 a 11

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